Running Lean: Weight Loss Masterclass for Runners
Get leaner. Get stronger.
Run faster. Run longer.
Running does not work for weight loss.
Wait, what? I know, it doesn’t make sense but it’s true.
Here’s what runners say:
“I run every day and I can’t lose weight.”
“I’ve been running for years and I’m still overweight.”
“I’m training for a marathon and GAINING weight!”
I used to think it was all about “calories in vs. calories out” and all I had to do was run more and I’d lose weight. It sorta worked, I did lose weight, but eventually it all came back.
Contrary to what we’ve been told for decades, running is NOT a very effective way to lose weight.
I've been there.
And it’s not just running!
I tried all sorts of diets too: Vegetarian, vegan, paleo, keto, raw food, time-restricted eating, etc.
Most of the diets I tried all had one thing in common: eat fewer calories and burn more.
Calories in vs. calories out.
Most of these diets worked for a bit too...until all the weight came back again.
Nothing I tried ever worked!
The more I ran and the less I ate, the more miserable I was (and the harder it was to lose weight).
None of this made sense. I had to figure out what was really going on.

Years of research and experimentation led me to these conclusions:
The “calories in vs. calories out” model does not work and it never has.
Running more and eating less is not a very effective way to lose weight. It’s slow, the results are minimal at best, and we tend to overcompensate the running by eating more calories than we are burning!
When you burn a lot of calories, your body responds by increasing your appetite so you end up eating more to replace whatever you burned off. Your body starts this powerful process that works against you every time you run.
Your hormones are responsible for whether you are storing fat or burning it.
Insulin is a fat-storage hormone. When insulin is high, your body is in fat-storage mode. When insulin is low, you’re in fat-burning mode. You’ll be able to access your own body fat for fuel and you’ll start losing weight.
You CANNOT lose weight when insulin is high, you have to get your insulin levels down. How do you lower insulin? By changing what you eat and when you eat.
We have been conditioned to desire food like an addict desires a drug.
Addiction is defined as drug use that is compulsive and difficult to control, despite harmful consequences. Sounds a lot like our relationship to food, doesn’t it?
We have become physically and mentally obsessed about food (certain foods more than others) and in order to lose weight we have to break out of those addictive patterns. We have to change the way we think and feel about food.
You can't "outrun" a bad diet.
Most people say they want to lose weight but are unwilling to endure even the tiniest bit of discomfort to get there.
In order to get results you've never had, you have to do things you’ve never done.
That means getting out of your comfort zone.
Embrace the discomfort, it’s temporary... but the amazing results are forever!
If you’re done with all the frustration that's prevented you from losing weight in the past, then it’s time to do something different.
In order to lose the weight and become a lean running machine, you need to master ALL of the processes involved:
What to eat, when to eat, how to train, how to properly fuel for long runs, how to properly fuel for a race, how to eliminate cravings, how to manage your mind and your emotions.
But making these changes on your own is a lot harder than you think!
You can’t just “learn” your way to your ideal weight. If just knowing the information was enough, none of us would be carrying around any extra weight.
Imagine how much easier it will be when you have the right someone with the experience and expertise to show you exactly how to do it, every step of the way.

I joined Patrick’s weight loss masterclass because I had to do something about my stress eating, and I needed help kicking my daily sugar habit.
I would get stressed out and I’d have urges to eat something sweet like chocolate bars or jelly beans. Then I would feel sick from eating too much sugar, guilt would set in, so I’d beat myself up for giving in to the urges and not having more self-control. I call this the “sugar spin”. I felt completely out-of-control.
I joined Patrick’s masterclass and everything shifted for me! Now I’m totally in control of what I eat and when I eat. Overall, I have a much healthier relationship with food.
And I’m finally out of the sugar spin! My sugar cravings are gone now, and I don't miss them one bit! I thought it would be really hard to give up sugar, but Patrick gave me the tools I needed to do it easily.
I’ve accomplished something really powerful in this masterclass. I have a lot more confidence in myself, in the choices I make around food, and in my ability to continue this way of life going forward.
I will show you exactly how to get your body leaner and stronger so you can run faster and run longer than you ever thought possible.
Running Lean: Weight Loss Masterclass for Runners
Get Lean. Get Strong. Go Fast. Go Long.
This is not a “diet” like all the others you’ve tried.
It’s a transformational coaching program designed specifically for runners that will permanently change your relationship with nutrition and running.
Just think how much easier running will be when you aren’t carrying around all that extra weight!
Stop feeling frustrated from hitting the wall.
Start feeling so energized and confident that you could run all day!
In order to lose weight you have to burn fat.
The only way to burn fat is to turn your body into a fat-burning machine!
In this exclusive six-week masterclass taught by Patrick McGilvray, you will...
- Break the addiction to sugar and refined carbs so you can start burning fat
- Become a fat-adapted athlete, capable of running farther than you ever thought possible
- Drop the excess weight you’re carrying so you can start running easier and faster
- Develop your own nutrition plan that includes foods you love to eat
- Fine-tune your nutrition plan until you reach your exact goal weight
- Eliminate the need for all those sugary gels that cause unwanted GI distress
You will learn exactly how to become a lean, fat-burning, running machine!
In addition to the live training sessions, you get:
- Answers to all of your questions. I’ll hold live Q & As where you get to ask questions and get answers. The Q & A sessions are really helpful, even if you’re currently having an “issue”. Hearing me coach other people through their issues helps everyone.
- Personal coaching. You get personal one-on-one coaching with me during the course of the six-week program.
- A supportive community. You’ll get access to our private Facebook group. Surround yourself with an amazing, supportive community to help keep you motivated and stay on track so you can reach your goals.
- 24/7 Access to the training material. All of our live training and Q & A sessions are recorded and archived on a private, member’s only website. You can go back and re-watch any of them at your convenience.

I used to eat whenever I got bored. During the first week of the COVID-19 quarantine, I gained 5 lbs! I knew I wasn’t making good choices, but I didn’t know what else to do.
I tried running more, but it just wasn’t working for me. I was feeling fat, unhealthy, and unmotivated.
I joined Patrick’s weight loss program was surprised at how quickly I was able to make some big changes. I learned how to think of food as fuel for my body, instead of just something to do whenever I’m bored. I don’t “live to eat” anymore, now I “eat to live”.
I’m thinking more clearly, I have a lot more energy during the day, I’m sleeping better at night, and running is easier now than it’s been in a long time! So far I’m down 30 lbs, several dress sizes, and over 4” from my waist and hips.
This program went beyond eating and weight loss for me - I’ve learned valuable skills for overcoming obstacles and making better choices in all areas of my life.
If you’re looking for a “quick fix” to your weight problem, this program is not for you.
This is the most comprehensive and most effective weight loss program you’ll ever experience, and the only one I know of designed specifically for runners. Over the course of the 6-week masterclass, you will be challenged physically and mentally... but I will be right there to make sure you get through all of it.
If you’re the kind of person who likes to “half-ass” stuff, this program is not for you.
This is a program of commitment, empowerment, and action. You make a commitment to reach your weight loss goal and I empower you with everything you need to achieve your goals. Just like your personal trainer can’t do the push-ups for you, I can’t do this for you. You need to make a real commitment to become your most badass self.
Remember, nothing changes if nothing changes.
If you’re ready to change and you’re ready to take action now, then this is the right program for you.
Six months from now, you’ll wish you would have started today.
The time for you to begin changing is NOW!
Enrollment is now closed for the August masterclass. The next session will be announced in the coming weeks.
Class size is limited to 15 participants to ensure you get the time, attention, and personal coaching you need to succeed.
Enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis - If you want to save your spot, you need to apply now.
Enrollment in this select program is by application only. Click the button below to apply now and I will personally reach out to see if you’re a good fit for the program. There’s no obligation to join when you apply.

All my life I’ve struggled with my weight. I’ve always been super athletic to try to keep my weight down - I taught aerobics, I ran marathons, I even did two IRONMAN triathlons. I’d lose some weight training for these events, but as soon as the training season was over I’d start gaining it back again.
Patrick taught us how to entirely change the way we think and feel about food, and how to create good habits to replace the bad ones.
I’m down 25 lbs so far and I feel really good about myself for the first time in a long time. I have a lot more energy throughout the day, I’m more in tune with the food I’m eating, and I have a lot more confidence about what to eat.
Probably the biggest relief for me is that I don’t have to rely on all the crazy exercise to keep the weight off anymore! I’ve finally learned how to lose weight the right way and I have the tools to go forward confidently.
Q. Is this just another fad diet?
A. Nope. I will never tell you what you should eat. Instead, I teach you how to get off the sugar and carbs so you can become a lean, fat-burning, running machine.
Q. I’ve tried “everything” and nothing ever works for me. Why would this be any different?
A. Most weight loss programs or diets only address the surface-level issue of what to eat or not eat. This masterclass is different and unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. It’s a comprehensive approach to weight loss designed specifically for endurance athletes like you.
Q. What happens if I get stuck or I need help?
A. I got you! Each week, I hold a live Q & A session where you can ask questions and get answers. In addition, you get personal coaching calls with me during the course of the masterclass. You also get access to a private Facebook group where you can ask questions and get support from your classmates.
Q. What happens if I miss a class?
A. It’s important that you make the commitment to be present for every class. The more you put into it the more you’ll get out of it and the faster you’ll lose weight. But, sometimes life happens and you have to miss a class. All of the classes are recorded and archived on a private member's only website so you can go back and re-watch them at your convenience.

Your Instructor & Coach
Patrick McGilvray is a seasoned marathoner, ultrarunner, and IRONMAN. He is a board-certified Master Life Coach & Weight Loss Coach for runners.
He's the host of the popular podcast The Running Mind Podcast where each week he teaches you how to get leaner and get stronger so you can run faster and run longer.

I thought I was doing all the “right” stuff, counting calories, eating less, portioning out my food, but none of it was working and I didn't know what else to do.
I joined Patrick’s weight loss masterclass and I thought, "What have I got myself into?" But Patrick’s attitude and approach made the program a lot easier than I thought. He was both a drill sergeant and a cuddler. He’s really a great coach.
I’ve lost 15 lbs so far and I actually look forward to stepping on that scale every morning, there's no more drama around it. I’m in control of my eating for the first time in my life.
Six months from now, you’ll wish you would have started today.
The time for you to begin changing is NOW!
Enrollment is now closed for the August masterclass. The next session will be announced in the coming weeks.
Class size is limited to 15 participants to ensure you get the time, attention, and personal coaching you need to succeed.
Enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis - If you want to save your spot, you need to apply now.
Enrollment in this select program is by application only. Click the button below to apply now and I will personally reach out to see if you’re a good fit for the program. There’s no obligation to join when you apply.